
Volunteer Experience

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062 – 10 Ways to Create an Exceptional Volunteer Experience

June 15, 2023 Episode #62: 10 Ways to Create an Exceptional Volunteer Experience Not all volunteer experience are equal and the same. To truly make an impact, organizations must focus on creating exceptional volunteer experiences that not only benefit the organization, but also empower and motivate [...]

061 – Training for Nonprofits – How We’ve Got it All Wrong

June 8, 2023 Episode #61: Training for Nonprofits - How We've Got it All Wrong In today's episode, Tobi discusses about training for nonprofits and how we've got it all wrong. When we do launches and promotions at VolunteerPro, we ask our audience of followers why they [...]

060 – Giving Circles and Collective Philanthropy with Sara Lomelin

June 1, 2023 Episode #60: Giving Circles and Collective Philanthropy with Sara Lomelin In today's episode, Tobi interviews Sara Lomelin who is an expert in Giving Circles and collective philanthropy. Here at VolunteerPro, we're also very interested in doing that when it comes to community engagement, [...]

053 – Promoting a Healthy Workplace Culture for Volunteers with Marianne Chance

April 16, 2023 Episode #053: Promoting a Healthy Workplace Culture for Volunteers with Marianne Chance In today's episode, we are going to be talking with Marianne Chance about promoting a healthy workplace culture for volunteers, not only for volunteers, but in our nonprofits in general. Marianne [...]

Announcing: Our New Nonprofit Podcast!

Announcing: Our New Nonprofit Podcast! Wave goodbye to our Tobi Johnson and Associates blog and say hello to our new nonprofit podcast, Volunteer Nation! After literally years of planning (and procrastination), the my newest is finally ready for primetime. You may have already been listening to my Time + Talent Podcast with Jennifer Bennett [...]

How to Forge Stronger Bonds with Remote & Hybrid Volunteers

How to Forge Stronger Bonds with Remote & Hybrid Volunteers  Hybrid volunteers – or volunteers contribute time to nonprofits both online and in person – can be invaluable assets to a nonprofit.  They can bring special skills and talent to the table that a nonprofit might otherwise not have available or would need to pay a [...]

By |2023-02-08T16:17:14-05:00December 2nd, 2021|Volunteer Experience|0 Comments

Volunteer Engagement Tips That Will Foster Deep Commitment

I often write about how organizations can improve their volunteer programs from the perspective of an experienced nonprofit consultant. Today, I thought I’d write from a different angle and explore my current volunteer experience in order to better understand why it works. And, I’ll suggest some key takeaways for volunteer-led organizations.

By |2023-08-14T07:52:27-04:00October 28th, 2021|Volunteer Experience|0 Comments
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