


Successful Volunteer Programs Can Come from Failure!

As you may have noticed from my recent posts, I’ve become more and more fascinated failure and with how people learn from it. One way to become more resilient is help your team learn from their experiences by making it safe to fail. Supporting emotional safety is important, and you can do this by avoiding the blame game.

By |November 14th, 2019|Tags: |

Beware of These 6 Trends Lurking in Volunteer Programs

Beware of These 6 Trends Lurking in Your Volunteer Program Over the past four years, we’ve collected a significant amount of data on the business of the volunteer program. Over 5,000 leaders of volunteers in 18 countries have [...]

By |November 7th, 2019|

Businesses and Nonprofits Alike Struggle to Engage Communities

The other day I was reading the Five Challenges Facing Marketing, a Harvard Business Review blog post by David Aaker who’s an author and brand marketing expert. I’m always curious what the business world is doing, partly because it helps me grow my own small enterprise, but also because I almost always find something I can re-purpose for nonprofits. This time was no different. The other day I was reading the Five Challenges Facing Marketing, a blog post by David Aaker. As I read his prophetic insider’s view on what’s troubling marketers, I had a surprising revelation -- businesses are struggling with some of the very same issues nonprofits grapple with.

By |November 4th, 2019|Tags: , , |
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